Saturday, October 04, 2003

Apparently it's National Drive Like You're Hopped Up On Crank Day (yes, I said crank. If you're gonna be hopped up on something you gotta do it do right). Here I am cruising along in my sensible Toyota rocking out to The Bee Gees "How Deep Is Your Love" (hey, it was on the radio, ok? It's not like I was playing the CD. Or that I own it or anything like that. yeah. cause I don't. so.), thinking about one day stopping at that old folk's home I pass every day and picking up the random old person outside and saying "get in, gramps, it's me, don't you remember your own granddaughter?" and then crying hysterically until he gets in the car.
Not that I am in any way endorsing making old people question whether they have alzheimers or not. Because that would be mean. Anyway. It was just a thought.
So there I am. And there they are. The Crank Drivers.
Where are they going? And in such a rush? More importantly why was I not invited? Maybe I was, but didn't notice because I was too busy fantasizing about freaking out old people or wondering just how deep your love is.
But I'm getting away from myself here. Wow, too late, I totally got away from myself already and forgot my point.
Because surely I had one. While I'm off the point here though, that movie "Xanadu" with Olivia Newton John? What. The. Hell. Is that about?
If someone finds my point, I'll give them some yellow m&m's.
I need a vacation.
